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Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Yes! We encourage solo travellers to join our scheduled group tours. This is a great way to meet other people and travel in comfort and safety with our expert guides. We can also arrange private self-guided tours for solo travellers on request. Our tour pricing is based on double occupancy, so a single supplement will apply. Contact our team for more details.

Our trips feature comfortable 3-4 star accommodation ranging from bed & breakfasts to lodges and traditional hotels. We prioritize locally-owned properties with friendly hospitality teams and great food. Contact our team for more details.

No prior experience is necessary! Each of our tours has a component of ‘light’ adventure, and this is always optional. We partner with local operators to ensure you’re in the best hands for activities like sea kayaking, hiking, and horseback riding. These experienced guides provide all the equipment, safety and skills training you need to have a fun day out.

For most tours, we recommend guests are comfortable hiking on light trails for 1-2 hours, paddling for 2-3 hours, and horseback riding for 1-2 hours (at a time, depending on the itinerary).

Travel is a great way for families to reconnect and experience something new together. For most tours we recommend travellers be at least 12 years of age of older, particularly for those itineraries with a strong cultural component and light adventures. We encourage families with younger children to enquire about our private custom tours.

Our guided tours use large passenger vans (10-24 seaters), with lots of extra room. Vans come equipped with AC and we supply a water refill tank, snacks, a cooler for your beverages, and a friendly Mosaic Earth guide to show you the sights.

On self-guided tours, you have the choice to bring your own vehicle or rent a car closer to the destination.

The roads can vary between paved highway and dirt or gravel side roads, depending on the itinerary. Some excursions require travel on forestry roads which can be bumpier, in which case we hire local operators to travel in their more rugged vehicles.

We welcome travellers of all ages on our tours. Given our style of experiences, we tend to attract active travellers between the ages of 50-80+.

We do require a good level of mobility and physical fitness to join our tours. This is due to the types of vans and other transportation we use, the hotel infrastructure in rural areas, and the activities offered. For those with mobility or other accessibility concerns, we encourage you reach out and discuss custom tour options.

We can arrange domestic flights to/from Vancouver International Airport and the joining location for our tours, including Campbell River, Williams Lake, Bella Coola, and Whitehorse (Yukon). When you receive your booking confirmation we will send you more information about flights and how to book.

At this time we do not offer international or other domestic flights besides those mentioned above.

Visit our Self-Guided and Guided Tours Terms & Conditions pages for details.

Guest Experience Specialist

Emma McLachlan

As a recent graduate with a Bachelors in Tourism Development, Emma has used her education and career opportunities to explore Canada, from coast to coast. Her previous experience in hotels, adventure guiding and travel consulting has relocated her to Lake Louise, Whistler, Montreal, Banff and Toronto.

Her exploration of the west coast ignited her love for adventure tourism, but also opened her eyes to the communities marginalized at the hands of the tourism industry. This flourished her passion for creating a more thoughtful relationship amongst tourism suppliers, local communities and tourists. With Mosaic Earth Travel, Emma is connecting her passions in regenerative tourism and travel.

Originally from Ontario, Emma’s various relocations exposed her to her favourite activities; including back-country camping and hiking, rollerblading, snowboarding, rock climbing and dreaming of her next adventure. Emma is based in Montreal, QC.

Photographer & Guide

Josh McGarel

An avid photographer for over twelve years, Josh has gained experience with local and international businesses, world-renowned athletes, and individuals to build professional content and brand presence across a variety of platforms.

He has worked on assignment for an expedition cruise operator as Photographer in Residence along the East Coast of Canada, South Georgia, and Antarctica. Here, Josh connected with his love of travel as he documented daily excursions, wildlife, and life onboard, and shared his knowledge of photography through presentations and workshops for passengers.

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Josh has lived in BC since 2014. He spends his time exploring the area by mountain bike and dreaming up crazy photo projects with friends.
Founder & Lead Guide

Pam McGarel

With a Masters of Science in International Development and Sustainable Tourism, Pam has dedicated her career to harnessing the power of travel to support the wellbeing of our planet and its people. She is an experienced guide, planner and project manager with a knack for logistics.

Prior to launching Mosaic Earth, Pam worked in sustainable tourism consulting where she helped develop a globally-recognized certification program for tourism businesses and destinations.

She has experience in public-private partnerships with a polar expedition cruise operator where she built relationships with world-leading field scientists, conservationists, and educators to facilitate their projects alongside the traveller experience. Pam is a member of the Adventure Travel Trade Association and Women Travel Leaders, and loves to connect with values-driven tourism professionals.

Originally from Ontario, Pam moved to BC in 2016 seeking outdoor adventure, with favourite activities including hiking, sea kayaking, snowboarding, and road trips around this beautiful province.